How to Get a Custom RV Mattress | Tochta
At Tochta, we know that your RV is so much more than just a vehicle. It’s your personal retreat — a home away from home. If you’re anything like the average RV owner, you spend 3-4 weeks in your vehicle every single year. That’s a lot of time to go without a decent night’s sleep! Most RVs come with substandard mattresses, which could seriously mess up your sleep habits. What gives? Here’s why you need to invest in a custom RV mattress for your next RV trip.

Standard RV Mattresses are Pretty Bad

Face it, RV mattresses aren’t always the best quality. Some are lumpy. Others have springs that dig into your back. Don’t settle for a substandard mattress. You’re on vacation, after all. The problem is, RV mattresses are usually thinner and lighter than standard mattresses. These kinds of mattresses are, on average, 6-8 inches thick, while regular mattresses are 10-11 inches thick. That’s a big difference. Sure, RV mattresses are only supposed to provide you with temporary support, unlike the mattress for your bed at home, which you sleep on for most of the year. Still, there’s no excuse for a bad mattress. You’ve probably spent thousands of dollars purchasing, decorating, and maintaining your RV. So why should you skimp on a decent mattress? Which is why we provide the exact custom RV mattress you need. You’re probably thinking, “I’m only in my RV for a few weeks a year. Why does this even matter?” Well, a bad mattress can provide you with all sorts of problems — and even impact your health. “When your mattress doesn’t offer sufficient support, it can strain your muscles and cause poor posture, which leads to back pain,” says Health24. “But even though firmness is important to provide structural support to your body, it’s also crucial that you find the right mattress for you — if you find a firm mattress too rigid, for example, it will affect your sleep.” If you purchased a used RV, the mattress inside might present various hygiene issues. Dead skin cells on old mattresses attract dust mites, for example, which can increase the risk of asthma and other breathing issues.

Why You Need a Custom Made Mattress for RV’s

There’s a simple solution to all of these problems, right? Just replace your RV mattress with a regular one. Unfortunately, standard mattresses won’t fit inside most RVs. This is why you need a custom mattress that you can unfold inside your RV. It needs to be the perfect fit for your vehicle. This is where the TOCHTA Custom RV Mattress comes in. You can customize this mattress with the desired shape or thickness for your RV and have it shipped in less than 2 weeks.

Here are some of the benefits of this custom RV mattress:

It comes with a 10-year warranty. It’s made in the USA. It adheres to CertiPUR-US program standards for durability, emissions, and content. It contains no harmful chemicals or heavy metals. Still not sure? Perhaps the 100-night trial and free shipping will convince you otherwise. The mattress inside your RV can impact your sleep and cause various health conditions. However, RV mattresses are smaller and thinner than regular mattresses, which makes them difficult to replace. Investing in a custom mattress, however, will ensure you get a good night’s sleep. Make sure to take a look at our dream collection luxury sheets as well!

Click here to find out more about the TOCHTA Custom RV Mattress.

Custom RV Mattress | Tochta